
Sabtu, 14 September 2013

AFA ID 2013 Report!

Hi~ minna~! It's been a week since AFA ID , the second AFA held in Indonesia ended and I'm still feeling excited about it~! XD
So now, I would like to share you about my experience when I went to AFA ID last week.  AFA ID was held from 6-8 September 2013 at JCC, Jakarta, Indonesia.  I only could come on the third day because of... you know, school.  I actually really wanted to went on the second day as well but I can't! TTATT
But I still glad I managed to come to AFA even tough only for a day. You know, I stayed there all day long~! From morning till night! So, this is my experience~!

The night before (the second day of AFA ID), I already prepared myself for the crowd that may be happen, because from what I heard, the second day was very very very crowded.  But when I went on the third day, it was only a bit crowded in morning.

I went there on the third day (Sunday, 8 September 2013) with my sister, my sister's friend and my auntie. The first stop is Good Smile Company's booth.  I really wanted to buy moekanji cards.  When I was queuing there, the booth's staff have me to fill an questionnaire.  They gave a a sticker afterwards. I also saw a cosplay team when they arrived at AFA ID for ARCC. But, when I reached the front line, I asked the boothkeeper about moekanji cards's price and I was straight out of the queue. The price was actually okay, but it's not health for my student wallet.  Haah, I hope someday I can buy this...

AFA ID 2013 from ground. There was SAO booth!

AFA ID 2013 from above. Mirai Suenaga booth spotted!

A cosplay team arrived

AFA ID 2013 from above. Animax booth was near the SnK booth's photo corner

So the next stop was Animax booth where visitors could take a photo in a Japanese room + Hyouka background.  I got an Hyouka clear file, free! XD (I went to this booth because I wanted this clear file, I saw many people had this when I was queuing at the previous booth). I saw an accident at this place.  The divider wall (see the picture above) beside this booth collapsed! It happened because there were three children who leaned on this wall without knowing how light this wall was.  I didn't know what happened after, but I realized this wall had been fixed later. 

Then I went around the entire first floor.  I found a booth that sold several BL (yaoi) doujinshi/book.  I recognize one as Lelouch x Suzaku doujinshi.  The book was a bit in a hidden place... hehe... But I didn't buy it. Not my OTP.

So I went around again.  Then, I went in to a booth and bought a Domo mug and Kamisama no Memochou omamori. After that, I saw a Madoka Magica booth had a picture; Madoka and the gang with Monas (Jakarta's symbol building) in the background.  I also took a photo of several cosplayer. 

Me with Madoka Magica and Monas~!

Then I went to the ground floor where foods and beverages booths (including AFA cafe), meet and greet corner and non-shop/personal booths section were at.  Many cosplayer were in this floor too! More than in the first floor!

At non-shop/personal booths section, there was many awesome fan art and homemade phone strap, keychain, pin, pillow, etc. SnK and Free! goods was dominating. What become memorable to me are when there was a booth that its goods was sold out, the entire section would congralute with applause and cheers of congratulations! And that was happened EVERY sold out that the booths got ALL DAY! 

After that, my auntie treated me takoyaki.  I was went to the meet and greet corner afterwards and there was a "Mini Game with Ying Tze, Angie, Clive and Richfield"! I didn't really know this awesome popular cosplayes but Angie were very cute in Sasha Blouse (SnK) cosplay!  

From left to right: Clive, Angie, Ying Tze, Richfield

I heard the staff said that if I got a receipt from AFA Shop, I could have a chance to have an autograph of all cosplayer stars! And that means I could get Reika's and Kaname's autograph! I heard that announcement at 13.30 and the autograph session would begin at 14.00 and I hadn't bought anything fromAFA Shop! Crap! So I ran to the first floor, bought a simple bag and run again to the ground floor at a meet and greet corner.  Actually at first I didn't really like the bag design. then I realized that I didn't bring anything that could  the media of the autograph! So I used the bag as the media!  Now, I treasure this bag very much, because there is Reika's, Kaname's, Angie's and Ying Tze's autograph! XD

I talked in Japanese to Reika and Kaname when I asked for their autograph and I also shook hands with them! They were very nice! I also talked with Angie (and shook her hand) and Ying Tze when I asked for their autograph! This time in English.  And you know what? Kaname said "Mikasa..." when there was a girl that cosplaying Mikasa asked for his autograph! Kaname also hit a man who wore Titan mask TEASINGLY~! LOL~! This scene made more camera raised and fangirls screamed! Kaname was so cute~! Reika was also awesome~! They were amazing!!! XD

Reika and Kaname signing autograph

Reika and Kaname made a pose after autograph session ended

Reika with Titan after the autograph session

When I was lining up for the autograph session, I talked to two girls. They're also excited to met Reika (cosplaying Rivaille from SnK) and Kaname (cosplaying Eren Jaeger from SnK)! And one of them also love KHR like me! 

After that, I had a lunch at the dining hall .  It was aroud 15.20 that time.  At the dining hall, suddenly there was a fangirl scream and guess what hapenned? Reika, Kaname, Angie and a cosplayer (he's popular too, but sadly, I don't know his name, he cosplaying as Jean from SnK) passed by the dining hall, NEAR to me for the lift! OMG! I was really expected to saw them again at SnK booth (photo corner) to took a photo af them, but I already saw them again! I didn't managed to took a good photo of them but oh well, I would see them again later at SnK booth. But... that was what I thought that time...

After that, I went straight to SnK booth to met my friend who was came too and for waiting for Reika and Kaname.  I met my friend, but she wanted to look around. So while waiting,  I took several photos of cosplayers who were posing at photo corner at SnK booth.  They were very funny! 

Rivaille (Levi) and Eren cosplay

"Watashi wa tsuyoi..."

Cute Titan!

"Titan yang Tertukar"  (The Exchanged Titan)
(a pun of a Indonesian TV drama: Putri yang Tertukar, literally means The Exchanged Daughter)

Trio Titan

Don't fight Eren! Jean!

Sie sind das essen und wir sind die jaeger!

Me and my friend at SnK photo corner

I also took a photo with several other cosplayers. When I was talking with my friend, suddenly a man calmly passed by while calling someone on his phone. That man, wore a bra on his head.  He, wore a bra, on his head. Very creative!

The creative man

Amnesia cosplays

Me and my sister with Mikasa cosplay

Erza, Lucy, and Natsu cosplay.  Not so many here who dare enough to cosplay so "openly" like this

Is this cosplay from spirited away?

Me with Titan and his partner~!

But sadly, in the end Reika and Kaname didn't come.  Later I knew from my friend that when I was eating at the dining hall, the cosplayers went straight to the SnK booth's photo corner even tough at the schedule they should be there in 17.00, not around 15.20! Even tough a bit disappointed, I still enjoy AFA.  then I went to the ground floor again to bought an Natsume Yuujinchou pillow and I got a discount 20%! Yay!

At around 18.30, I entered the stage to watch ARCC (AFA Regional Cosplay Championship).  Actually, I didn't know till that time that I could enter the stage area with my pass.  But when I asked the guards in front of the stage area's door, they said I could go in! Hurrayyyy!

I sat on the second floor of the stage area because on the first floor was already full.  the host was Danny Choo and a girl (that gain, I don't know her name).  There was a funny moment, when Danny Choo called Kaname to made an entrance to the stage (lining up with the other cosplayer), he said, "My BL partner, Kanameee!!!" Then they made a good pose that enough to make fangirls screamed (including me). Hehe...

The judges + hosts, line up!

Aww, what's with that hand, Kaname...?

The ARCC participants were so awesome! The most interesting perfomance were from a team that have "a cosplay ride a cosplay" which was new and succesfully made a judge impressed, and a team that cosplaying as a game...ummm.... zombie...? Virus...? I forgot but they cosplaying a game that involved that words.  The format of the performance was like in agame, they paused every change of weapon and moved again when the changing was finished! Wao~! It's very interesting and amusing! Reika (or Angie? I'm not sure) said that it remind her of her chilhood days~! 

Cosplay riding cosplay

Cosplay of Hiiro no Kakera.  His performance was very beautiful~!

Zombie... or what? Idk.  What I know is this performance was amusing

Every three judges (eight judges in total) have to give a comment to every five performances.  At the end of Kaname's comment, he said "Saigo no hitokoto, boku wa NO homo." ("And the last thing, I'm not a homo.")! I laughed so hard! And Danny Choo's reaction to this was made me laugh harder! (I forgot what did he say, but I remember that I laughed so hard! XD)

Unfortunately, I had to go home in the middle of ARCC, when I was outside, DJ Kazu who was performing on the outside stage was playing Secret base ~ Kimi ga Kureta Mono~! Me and my sister sang along it and I was waving my hands along the others while we walked to my father's car.  But, I heard that before this song was played, some people took off their upper clothes when Free! anime song was played~! LOL~! Human and their antics.

DJ Kazu in action with the crowd (sorry the picture isn't very good)

The next day, I found out that kaname and Reika did a sassy kick live on the stage that night! I regret that I had already leave that time... TTATT
You can also watch a video (the same uploader with the video below) Reika and Kaname said Indonesian words such as "Dasar bocah" (Translation: "you brat...") by Reika, and "Aku suka kamu" (I love you) by both of them~!XD

And several days later, I found out that there was a Japanese man who lost his doll but found it again.  he as very grateful and happy that Indonesian people was hepled him in his searching!  I actually saw him twice but only from far.  He handed out flyers to the visitors while wearing a signboard. Even tough I didn't managed to help him directly (I didn't even know, but I was curious that time), I'm so glad that he finally found it. He send a letter to Indonesia embassy at Japan, see this link to read his letter.

So, this was my unforgetable experience at AFA ID 2013! I'm really really glad that I came to that holy event for otaku!  This is what I got from AFA ID 2013~!

My treasures from AFA ID 2013

Reika's, Kaname's, Angie's and Ying Tze's autograph~! XD

Thank you for reading and sorry fo my terrible grammar and not so amusing photos quality... *bow down*
Jya, mata ne~! XD

1 komentar:

  1. YUSSS ~ Animecon!!! guhhh, I want to go to one so badly... =3=, Great post! I think I'll follow this blog. ^u^ why were there no madoka magica cosplays tho..? so sad... >___<',
